One of the hardest parts of making our last film, Journeyman, was figuring out how to describe it to people, and "sell" it, before we were even finished making it. We didn't choose our final title until very late in the game, a few months before the screening, if I remember correctly, and our poster image/branding was equally challenging... the two photos we ended up using featured none of the characters who were in the actual film; that's just how it worked out.
Even coming up with a one-sentence, 40-words-or-less synopsis is way harder than it seems, breaking down everything that goes on over the course of an hour-long story into a single subject-verb-object construction.
I'm expecting it to be just as difficult this time, but I've committed to getting an early start, trying out lots of possibilities and sharing them with people to see what seems to be working, and what doesn't.
The men in my men's group graciously agreed to let me shoot photos of them at one of our meetings, and to post this one here. It was challenging but also exciting to engage with them in such a different way, to bring a camera into the room.
Thanks, guys.
I would love to have some feedback about this image, if you're willing to respond in the comments.